How to Make the Most Out of Your Generator (Tips and FAQs)

A portable generator could become a life savior, especially in a power outage situation.

That’s a fact that no one denies about such powerful yet compact machines.

How to make the most out of your generator? However, getting the most out of a portable generator is where things get tricky.

You need proper knowledge about how to make the most out of your portable generator in 2023.

This guide includes all relevant information about choosing a portable generator the right way.

Besides, I will also discuss the type of fuel you should use to get the best out of it.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Generator

Portable generators offer the convenience of maintaining running electricity at a house in unwanted circumstances.

That said, making the most out of a portable generating machine depends upon your preferences and needs.

Some very important things that you should keep in mind include the following:

  1. The Right Size
  2. Comparing Fuels

Let me guide you in detail:

1. The Right Size

While discussing the efficiency of a portable generator, one cannot ignore the size and shape of such a powerful machine.

Your needs and demands directly correlate with the size of a generator and could impact your last decision.

One thing you need to know in terms of size is that “The larger a generator, the more difficult it gets to maintain it, and the more fuel it consumes.”

Similarly, “The smaller the size, the better the fuel consumption with a little less power.”

Before you decide on getting a portable generator, keep these guidelines in mind;

  • Make a list of the appliances you want to run on a portable generator. It will help you get the ideal size depending on your needs.
  • Besides, you need to keep track of the space available in your backyard to keep your residential generator without any hurdles.
  • Determine the total wattage of all the appliances you expect to run on a generator and make your decision according to that.

This way, it would become easier for you to decide on the proper size of a portable generator to get the most out of it.

2. Comparing the Fuels

A portable generator usually operates by converting mechanical energy into either Direct Current or Alternating Current in some cases.

That said, it consumes fuel to produce electricity, which is later utilized by a household, an office, or any other residential area.

We get to see the use of four different types of fuels in a generator, i.e.,

  • Gasoline,
  • Diesel,
  • Propane, and
  • Natural Gas.

Let us take a look at how each type of fuel could enhance the efficiency of a portable generator:


Most of the portable generators you see in the market utilize gasoline these days.

The fuel ensures more power to the generator and is one of the most common fuels used in these machines.

However, you must note that gasoline is highly flammable, so the safety risk is always there.

Furthermore, gasoline has a short shelf life span compared to other fuels and could increase your expenses at the same time.


We use diesel when the load on a generator exceeds 30 Kilowatts. That said, it’s the least flammable fuel and has, in fact, a better shelf life than gasoline.

Moreover, obtaining this type of fuel is rather easy as it’s readily available in different places.

One thing that could bother you about a diesel engine generator is the noise it makes.

That’s one of the reasons I do not suggest diesel generators to small households.


Cleaner and with a better shelf life than gasoline and diesel, propane generators offer better power usage at an affordable rate.

However, engines made for propane could not last longer than that the two fuel types we discussed above.

Natural Gas:

Last but not least, the limitless supply of natural gas to a generator could offer a flawless flow of electricity for a long time.

Besides, it’s cleaner than the likes of gasoline and diesel.

But, natural gas is not as powerful as compared to gasoline, diesel, or even propane.

You could expect low wattage while running a generator on naturally obtained gas.


Does a generator use more gas with more things plugged in?

Yes, the more load on the generator, the more fuel consumption will be.

When the electrical load is more, it’s harder for a generator to maintain the accurate RPM to provide the correct frequency and voltage.

Final Verdict

  1. First things first, make sure that you get a portable generator with the proper size and according to the space you’ve got at your home or office.
  2. Secondly, you need to take the wattage factor in mind and make your decision accordingly.
  3. In the end, choose a combo of fuels, i.e., gasoline and natural gas in a generator to avoid any problems in the near future.

That is how you could get the best out of a portable generator in 2023.

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